Once we got on our bus it was about 7:20am and some kid in the back of the bus was so drunk he was threw up on himself and the floor. The organizer came and made him change and then he refused to clean the vomit out of the bus so his friends did it for him. Needless to say, we left him there. Don't worry- he made it to Mudfest and I saw him Sunday wearing the same shirt he had puked on the previous day. Sick.
This is the guys friend cleaning up...ewwwy

Once we arrived in Daecheon we were greeted by lovely monsoon weather. The downpour was unbearable and we were forced to take shelter in a restaurant that served only seafood. It is like this built in requirement for Korean's that if they visit the sea, they must eat sushi or some other seafood! Which means that most of the restaurants along the coast of Korea only serve seafood and Daecheon Beach is in an exceptionally small city with limited options. I had been craving shellfish and a couple of other people decided to join me in having a few clams and what-not. The clams were good, not great, but good and the beers were going down smoothly at 10am. After we finished and the rain had let up we decided to pay our bill. Any guesses??? Um yeah, it was 70,000 won per table (we had two tables!) We were shocked! The last time I was in Daecheon with students we had the same meal (only better) for 40,000!
Me catching our lunch!

mmm shellfish

Cooking gloves on and I'm ready to eat!

Grilling...Korea style

Stormy wasn't impressed

No one would eat this one...

SO of course I had to try it!...Creamy...seafood shouldn't be creamy

We took the financial blow and stomachaches and set out to get settled into our pension. Like I said, we were a part of a tour group and we were meant to meet up with the rest of the group and check-in to our rooms. When we arrived to the lovely "GaGa Hotel" we went to our room and took a look around. There was a mini kitchen, no beds (only floor mats), a balcony that faced another hotel, a door to the left that lead to another groups room and a door to the right that lead to another groups room. So can you spot what was missing? Yes, that's right, our room had NO BATHROOM! What the???? So for the lucky seven of us staying in the room, we were supposed to share with the people next door? To this day we all believe that we were the only room without a bathroom. BUT we didn't let it get us down! We changed into our mudfest gear and head to the mud!
Stuart Kelley and I took no time before we jumped into the wrestling pit! We were followed shortly by Tyler, who didn't just jump into the pit, laugh and get out. Tyler jumped into the pit, got in the middle and became the center man to beat! He was so much fun!
The girls with the Mudfest mascot!

Ahh Mudfest

Tyler dominating the mud pit

Stuart, Melanie, Kelley and I fresh outta da mud

Stuart and I all muddy

Stormy and I getting ready to have a little lunch -my muds all dry

Stuart, Kelley and I = mud-tastic

Kelley, Stuart and I decided it was time to play on the moon bounces so we stood in line for a little over an hour before deciding it wasn't worth it and meeting up with the rest of our group! They said they were going to go check on a bus or train that left earlier than the one with our tour and then we never saw them again. All of them ended up being sick and/or tired. Only Kelley, Stuart, Tyler and I remained. That evening we got cleaned up and went back to the beach where we caught the end of a concert before running into a few people we knew and going to a club! We danced the night away and it was a great time! The next day was perfect beach weather and almost everyone who was there got burnt! The sun was shinning and everywhere people we relaxing and enjoying.
This years Mudfest was great! I was lucky to have such great company and we did enjoyed every last second of it! Although I won't be in Korea for Mudfest 2011 - Cheers to those that do go!
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