Thursday, February 18, 2010


I'm coming to the end of my first year in Korea. For all but five weeks of the entire year I have been in Korea living life just like everyone else. I think back to one year ago and how at this time I was resolved to my decision and not looking back. I had lost all nervousness and anxiety by this point (about a week out from leaving) and had simply embraced my potential future and felt the fall.

I was writing and email to Kara earlier and for some reason I got off on a tangent of my analogy on how similar I feel riding a roller coaster is to living life. Really, think about it!

There you are, sitting at the bottom of the hill. You can see nothing ahead but a steep incline and something happens-- CLICK! You're moving in an upward direction. It takes several clicks, but by the time you get to the top you can see what's just ahead and that's it. You fall and trust that all the clicks that got you there will take you to back to the end- back to the next series of "clicks".

When I was home Scott told me about Korea - Click. David and I broke up - Click. My job wasn't working out- Click. I found a job and was hired in Korea- CLICK! By that point I was at the top of what could only be described as an amazing and challenging year in Korea.

Today I feel like the "clicks" are almost audible. As I sat across from my boss at my current job and he told me that I couldn't renew my contract, I heard the click. I was looking for jobs and when I found one- Click. Stormy found one too- Click. And we're off on another adventure.

At the end of this month I'm moving to Ansan, South Korea. It's North of Iksan and on the outskirts of Seoul. After living out in the country for some time I think it will be nice to move toward the big city and to have a new town and new school. I can't wait to see how exciting and fun this roller coaster will be!

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