This week I forgot my umbrella at work, but not to worry, I had a poncho! I was just sure I would be safe from the rain but alas the end result shows that I lose.
Here's a short video of the crazy rain, you can see a little of the flooding near the edge of the side walk. It's crazy to walk in...
Aside from the rain I have been continuing my weekend travels. Stormy had met a couple of Air Force guys while we were at Mud Fest and they invited us up for the weekend to enjoy some of the comforts of home such as TACO BELL and CHILI'S!!! We trucked it up to Osan on Friday night right after work and stayed in "Little America" as we lovingly called it until Sunday afternoon. The guys were impressed with how easy we were to entertain! It was seriously like being in America, but maybe in the Asian district ;)
Here's a picture of us in front of the main gates of the base with our new friends Anthony and Lee.


As I'm also finding out, biking can be hazardous. I should have know this I know, but recently I was on my way back from CGV (the theater) after unsuccessfully attempting to buy Harry Potter tickets. Defeated I was riding pretty fast and coming to a small hill that slopes down toward a side street. I was about to breeze through the street when a car pulled up and stopped in front of me. I pushed my breaks all the way down, but they were a little slick because of the rain and I hit the car. That's right, I hit a freaking car! I hit him right in the tire and it threw me back a couple of feet but I didn't even fall of my bike so I don't count it as an official wreck :)
Here's me and my trusty Lespo bike

Last week I decided it was time to get my hair cut. This is usually no big deal, but here in Korea we are working with not just a language barrier but also with a difference in hair texture. Korean girls have beautiful straight black hair that even in the most humid of days stays perfect and frizz less. NOW me on the other hand, I have wavy hair that frizzes up like no other on a rainy day. I decided to throw caution to the wind and Stromy came with me for a hair cut. We went to a place that a lot of people told me was pretty good, now remember there are very few girls here so I was getting this advice from my guy friends.
Anywho, we went in and my hair was wavy and the guy started to try to DRY cut my WAVY hair!!!! WTF?! Thank goodness Stormy was there to say, noooo you have to wash it first! He did what we told him and it worked out ok but then when it came to styling he just gave up. He was attempting to blow dry it and then he was like...nope. I have a little advice for him, please don't use the tiniest round brush trying to put curls in my wavy hair. Oh well. It was $11 and it came with eyebrow shaping for me and Stormy! SCORE!

After the great styling job I received, we decided to head to the wig store to see if we could get something to shake things up. After about 30 minutes we found two winners and wore them the rest of the day. Shocking my coworkers and students. Some thought it was good, some thought it was bad. I thought it was FREAKING AWESOME!

This past weekend Lee and Anthony came up to experience "Real Korea". They had been living in Little America and visiting Seoul staying in the Hampton Inn and calling it Korea, which it is not! We explained to them that we can go a full day without seeing another foreigner in our town. I think they didn't believe us but when they got here they got to experience it and they agreed with us that it's kinda nice to be the only person like you for miles :) The weekend was really chill. We just went to Jeonju for dancing on Saturday and had an overall great weekend.
Here's me showing them what Korea is REALLY like ;)

Scott, Brandon and I are teaching Intensive English classes for Children for the next three weeks. Originally we thought we were going to have the same students every day for 3 hours. It's changed a little and now each have a hour and a half with them everyday. We agreed to do the Intensives because all the hours are considered overtime which is amazing. I am coming to the end of week one and I have to say it's not too bad, but I have had to call a kids mom. He would not shut up! He is one of those kids that likes to hear the sound of his own Korea...during English class. One phone call to mom and PROBLEM SOLVED! Very nice!
I went to talk to my boss about the curriculum for my intensive course and to ask for the teachers edition of the book, which I didn't and won't get...but besides that he told me he had a phone call complaint from one of my students about my class. I think it was the old lady I complained about in my last blog. She doesn't like it that I have them do writing assignments once a week. Here's why she doesn't like it, she wants to talk the ENTIRE class but at the same time she is saying words that don't exist and using TERRIBLE grammar! She used to call her husband her "Huz". She thought she was saying it right among other really odd errors. I told my boss I knew who it was and I explained that I think the writing is good for them to practice grammar and for me to be able to correct it for them and explain why. It's hard to do that when they are only speaking because you don't want to call them out in front of the whole class.
Thankfully Dr. Yu agreed with me and said that when students are bad at something they think they don't need it. I agreed and he said we can't please everyone all the time.
Two more weeks until vacation! I'm going to Thailand for two weeks! Plans??? I've got none. I have a plane ticket, a passport and a healthy sense of curiosity to carry me through! I can't wait! I will blog before I leave!
Here is a picture of my walk to school on one of the most beautiful, clear days I have seen in Korea thus far. But isn't everything better in the summer?!
Hey i just wanna edit your one korean word
you posted Taehangdo - Near the University
that is wrong
Daehakro(it means college or campus street- near the University :)
btw now i'm so envy u or jealous now
errrr..... TACOBELL!!!!! :P
AHHH thanks! I was just guessing!
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