Today I started back with my full load of classes. I have all new people in my adult classes and they seem to be really outgoing and fun, so it should make for some great stories and an awesome semester. My kids classes will be the same for the next two weeks, then we will move up a level, but I will keep my same students and I really love them!
I made a new Korean friend. His name is Brian and he lived in Portland for a year and is planning to moved back the the US in September. He plays soccer with Scott and some of the foreigner guys in Iksan and he's so funny! I really like hanging out with him and his sense of humor.
Here's Brian! :)

I haven't blogged in a while sorry, I have just had a lot on my mind and have tried to stay busy. I will think of some new topics and begin writing again shortly. My mom tells me all the time, you should blog about that! So I will keep in mind some of the topics and get started this week :) Miss you all!
Brian looks like a funny guy! And he looks like he would be fun to hang out with:) Just wanting to wish lots of strength and faith your way...with your new classes and just everyday life! Love ya....yes I wait for your blogs-I'm a little pathetic I know..and yes maybe a little selfish:) I just love your blogs what can I say:) TTY soon...I love you! Selena
Love you...!
Hey Brian has lips like I want to have done! ;)
Stay strong!!!!! Remember your angels are around you and holding your heart.
I miss my daughter!
And I love you more!!!!!!!
huh? who is this guy? i think i know him
we have met before before brian?
oh my name is brian baik nice to meet you lolz
haha thanks erica you are such a my best friend
also i'm really glad we're friend haha
yes right you always called angel then brain ducky angel come to your blog lolz
okay just rememebr kind person is always meet good people in your life i hopefully i'm your good person:P well haha now i'm in my hometown seoul and today i buy something to you because when i saw this i just think of you because it is good match of you haha also i hopefully you don't mind i will gave this for you okay?
sometimes i give something to my friends okay?
alright see you soon cowboy girl :PPPPP
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